We know how important it is to find quality items for your children at affordable prices. With that in mind, we have lowered the price on all children’s clothing size 4T and under to .99 each.

To better support our local working families, we have dropped our prices on younger kid’s clothing. We heard your request for more affordable clothing for your children and we responded. All Horizon Goodwill Stores have lowered the price on size 4T and under children’s clothing to .99 each!
Our children are hard on their clothes and finding affordable replacements in a hurry can sometimes be a challenge. I personally can’t count the number of times I ran into my local Goodwill because a young one needed a new shirt or pants or both..right now! I love that we’ll be able to do that for even more affordably and still support Goodwill.

This discount is in addition to our .99 color tag specials every Sunday and our other select specials through out the year like 4/1.00 Books and 10 for 10 Sales.
Join us in early December for a Grand Opening at our newest, biggest store in Hagerstown, MD; located in the South End Shopping Center. Details coming soon!
….. And as a surprise sale announcement to save you even more…. Black Friday is our next 10 for $10!
We at Horizon Goodwill Industries appreciate the community support we receive and look forward to finding more new ways to give back to our amazing local community. Your support creates jobs, opportunities, and chances to change a life.