What is Goodwill’s Job Squad? Well, I am glad you asked! Did you know, across 17 counties in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, Horizon Goodwill Industries is dedicated to putting people to work and offers free job training and job seeking services to individuals in our communities who want to work but struggle to find it?
The Job Squad is going to be our way of celebrating the hard work of job seekers facing barriers to employment that have the drive and perseverance to become a part of the workforce. Through-out the rest of the year, we will spotlight newly minted employees and the employers that hire them.

Since January 2016, Horizon Goodwill has helped 106 people find a job across the 4 state area. Let me say that again: 1-0-6 people! These are the folks, people like Raynelle (left) that make up the Job Squad – people who were unemployed but now have a job, a paycheck and can start looking to the future. The Job squad are people who change what capability looks like.
Horizon Goodwill’s customized programs and services are designed to help individuals with barriers to employment re-establish a work and earnings history, develop job and life skills, and enhance their financial, social and educational circumstances.
What was your first job? Think back…..new job, new supervisor, new everything! How long has it been since you felt that nervous anticipation and excitement? Do you remember what it took to get there? Goodwill’s Job Squad does.
If you know someone who would be a great addition to our Job Squad, but needs the right tools to get there, tell them about Horizon Goodwill! Learn more at our Website and please follow us on Facebook and on Twitter – #GoodwillJobSquad, #puttingpeopletowork.
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” – Mahatma Gandhi