With Veterans Day around the corner, I’d like to take this opportunity and platform to thank all of the Veterans that have bravely served our country. You are an inspiration to us all and we can never thank you enough. Horizon Goodwill is proud to make serving and supporting these wonderful men and women a point of focus for our mission. We are thrilled to have a way to give back to these individuals who have given so much to all of us.
This week, we are going to take a look at an incredible individual and service Veteran, Ryan Dewitt. In addition to being a Veteran, Ryan has been employed by Horizon Goodwill since 2012 servicing a contract we hold with the United States Army. Here is his success story!

After serving in the United States Marine Corp from 1998-2000, Ryan suffered a tragic injury that rendered the left side of his body not fully functional. As a result, he received an honorable discharge. Faced with a barrier of this nature could cause many people to lose hope, but that was not the case for Ryan. Through the help and support of the ARC of Frederick County, Ryan connected with Goodwill. This partnership led to Ryan applying for and achieving a position on our janitorial team at Fort Detrick.

Ryan adapted to his situation and remains determined. He is a great asset to our team and brings a warm smile and positive attitude to work each day. In addition to maintaining this job, Ryan also enjoys going to the gym and has recently helped his father build a storage shed. This type of determination is a great example of an individual that did not let his disability define what he could and could not accomplish.
Horizon Goodwill does so much to help so many. And there are so many more people out there for us to help! Sometimes it just takes that first step before you are able realize your full potential. This is why we are here. This is what Horizon Goodwill is all about. Removing barriers, creating opportunities.
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to contact me with questions or comments regarding the blog or what our Business Services division can do for you! bmarks@goodwill-hgi.org