It’s that time of year again! If you’re a seasoned Holiday Shopper you understand how important it is to find just the right gift for everyone on your “nice” list. Sure, you can hit the mall, fight the crowds and overpay for the same old presents anyone can purchase. Maybe you would rather do all of your seasonal shopping online, which, in theory sounds like a good idea, but how unique can these gifts truly be? Mind if we suggest a place where you can find some seriously one of a kind items? We’re talking presents certain to produce a smile from even the most difficult-to-buy for friend or family member….interested? [Read more…] about You Won’t Believe The Amazing & Unique Holiday Gifts Available At Horizon Goodwill!
Why Job Hunting In December Works
It’s funny how the Holiday Season seems to lose its luster when you’re unemployed. As shoppers bustle through stores and websites searching for that perfect gift, you wish you could feel secure and warm like the rest of your friends, family and neighbors, instead, feeling nothing but pressure with each passing day. If you could only land that ideal job you know everything in your life will improve…but it’s so difficult. Here’s a little known fact—you do have a job, a very important one, in fact! Want to know what it is? [Read more…] about Why Job Hunting In December Works
This Holiday Season, It’s All Thanks to You!

During this time of year we are reminded of all the people, things, and opportunities we are thankful for every day. Whether they are big or small, November is the month we sit back and focus on the things that make us happy like music that makes us dance in our seats, a smile of a child, the first snow of the season, our annoying sister that we love so dearly, and the friends who are close to our hearts. Horizon Goodwill Industries wants to thank the people that have made a difference in our lives and the lives of the people we serve. [Read more…] about This Holiday Season, It’s All Thanks to You!
Horizon Goodwill Asks “What Are You Grateful For This Thanksgiving?”
With Thanksgiving just days away, we find ourselves pausing to show gratitude for the positive events of the past year. We spoke with several Horizon Goodwill “alumni”, participants who have utilized our job-training curriculum, asking each “What Are You Thankful For?” [Read more…] about Horizon Goodwill Asks “What Are You Grateful For This Thanksgiving?”
Our Veterans: Goodwill, Good People.
Veterans Day is about the people who have served our country. It is a day to celebrate their service and to thank them for our freedom. Today Horizon Goodwill Industries wants to thank our employees and clients for serving our country. Here are a few of their stories:

This is our very own Administrative Assistant, Debbie Kreiner and this is her story:
“I was 19 years old when my grandparents suggested that I join the military. That’s exactly what I did. I joined the United States Navy in 1981, served our country for 4 years active duty and 2 years inactive duty. I was a storekeeper in charge of the command’s supplies. I learned attention to detail, self-discipline, respect, and how to follow orders. [With the leadership skills I gained], I supervised the construction of a new supply depot. Being a veteran has opened many doors for volunteer and employment opportunities [for me]. I feel that all Americans should give 2 years of service to our country. It builds good character!” – Debbie Kreiner. Happy Veterans Day!
John Garrison (picture unavailable) served in the United States Air Force for five years. He received an honorable discharge, and later sought services from the Veterans Administration Medical Center. John enrolled in the VA Medical Center’s homeless program July 2011. After a year in the VA program, he was referred to Horizon Goodwill Industries for vocational skills training. Initially, John was introverted and uncomfortable with a social atmosphere. After he completed our Work Experience Program, he appeared more confident, and volunteered to help at other Goodwill work sites and projects. John participated in a variety of work situations, learning the skills needed to find and keep a job. John is now working as a custodian in a federal building in Martinsburg. He has graduated from the VA homeless program, and has obtained independent housing. We value you for your time here at Goodwill and honor you for your service John. Thank you!

Michelle Cushing, a United States Navy veteran, is achieving her goals with the help of Horizon Goodwill Industries. Michelle’s progress is nothing but extraordinary. When she came to us from the Missouri Goals Program, she was homeless. Since being removed from that program, Michelle received a HUD housing voucher with our assistance and got her own apartment. She now has two jobs, one at Tractor Supply and the other as a server at Hoss’s Steakhouse and is working to regain custody of her three beautiful children, who visit her new apartment and talk with her daily. We salute you Michelle. Thank you for your Service!
These stories go to show that our veterans do so much for our country while asking for little in return. We are here to help them get back into the workforce and become more self-sufficient by achieving their goals.
Happy Memorial Day to all of our veterans. To brave men and women everywhere who have served, and to their families: Thank You.
3 Tips To Acing The Interview (The Last One Will Blow You Away!)
It’s funny how a simple conversation with an old friend can lead to a philosophical discussion about finding the perfect job. Let me tell you about how a recent chat lead me to this week’s article and how, regardless of your work history, my past interviewing experience can help you land that perfect position. [Read more…] about 3 Tips To Acing The Interview (The Last One Will Blow You Away!)