Mission Services
The Mission Services team offers customized assistance. We can help you, and if Goodwill doesn’t provide the service, we can locate other community organizations that do. At Goodwill, we have professional staff available to assist you in addressing your personal or family needs.
Whom we serve:
- People with criminal backgrounds
- People with disabilities
- People of all ages
- Veterans and Military Families
- Young Adults
- People re-entering the workforce
- People changing careers
- Unemployed
- Employers
- Our Community
- Individuals experiencing homelessness
- Adolescents (Children ages 11 – 16) Hagerstown, MD, only
The following is a list of the core services offered by Horizon Goodwill Industries. If you would like information about any of these services or any other services which may be available, please get in touch with us.
Services include:
- Job Readiness Training: Assists you in developing networks and job leads, creating resumes that get attention, learning useful techniques to complete job applications, and practicing interviewing skills
- Work Experience: Offers paid and unpaid work training plus classroom training to prepare you for competitive employment by building and practicing work skills and habits in real work environments that will make you more employable
- Job Placement: Assistance with finding employment offering such services as job development, job search, job matching, job placement, job coaching, and job retention supports
- Case Management: You will have a case manager assigned to you to assist you at every step of the process
- DORS/DRSWV Services: HGI is a CRP (Community Resource Provider) for the Division of Rehabilitation Services in Maryland and the Division of Rehabilitation Services in West Virginia. Case Managers provide qualifying individuals with services such as, but not limited to, employee development services, job readiness paid work training, job development prep/job development, job coaching, and work-based learning experience.
- Sector Certifications: HGI offers access to several Sector Certifications for free or reduced cost to Program Participants
- Safe Space – HGI provides a safe, drug-free, supervised environment where young people are free to be themselves without the fear of intimidation from peers.