Michelle Cushing, an honorably discharged Navy veteran, came to Goodwill from the transitioning program at the VA Medical Center in April 2013. Michelle was hired as an enrollment agent for Goodwill’s WV State Police fingerprinting contract through Morph-Trust. Michelle’s job involved attention to detail and customer service skills as well as passing a high-standard background and security clearance. Michelle is doing a tremendous job and has received a multitude of compliments for her work.
Goodwill was also able to assist her with enrolling in transitional housing at the Bethany House in Martinsburg, WV. Thanks to Goodwill Michelle also plans to continue her education and moving forward toward a brighter future. This is a great success story for a young lady that once lived in her car and had not seen her children in years. Now she sees them every weekend and is able to help provide for them. Most recently, Michelle interviewed to become an Emergency 911 dispatcher, she got the job and she will start orientation in the near future. Michelle is very determined, hardworking and a delight to be around. We are so very proud of all of her accomplishments over the last year.
Congratulations Michelle and Happy Veterans Day to YOU! Thank you!