I promised my wife she could have one last chance to wrap up what she learned about Back To School Shopping at Goodwill. In the last entry she explained in full detail how our daughter became a savvy shopper right in front of her eyes. I have to admit, I liked that blog better than her first one! I’m kind of curious what she has planned for this week’s article.
Hello again Readers. If you remember, we left off with my oldest son Corey, disappearing into the Housewares Department as Kaitlyn and I paid for her Back To School clothes. Looking around I saw him signaling to me from the back of the Goodwill store.
He was breathless as Kaitlyn and I approached. “Mom, you’ve got to check out what they have here! A complete set of pots and pans! That microwave would fit exactly in the kitchenette at my new apartment!” See, Corey is moving off campus this year, (which I’m frankly just a bit nervous about) with three of his friends. He causally mentioned to me last week that he was responsible for providing all of the kitchen utensils and small appliances, hinting, I’m sure, that he expected his father and I to purchase all of these items.
“This is going to save you—I mean me—a ton of green! I didn’t bring my wallet, can I borrow some money?” How many times has a mother heard that from her children?
I raised an eyebrow. “How much do you need?” Corey began creating a little pile of boxes on the aisle floor: silverware, the aforementioned pots and pans, the microwave he just had to have, even a vintage coffee percolator. He stared and these items, performing a quick calculation in his head. “Chill a second”, he said.
I watched as he rounded the corner, quickly returning with a really neat lava lamp and an ipod enabled clock radio. He placed these two treasures onto the pile. “I could really use these for my bedroom, too. So let me see…Not even fifty bucks! Crazy! Can you cover me until we get home?”
What was I supposed to say? I was totally impressed with both of my children as well as the wide variety of amazing finds available at Horizon Goodwill. “Sure, go get yourself a cart. It’s not everyday my kids actually help me save money!”
Well, John, what do you think about that? Not only did Goodwill Industries® help prepare both of our children for Back To School, we have some money left over….just about enough to go out to dinner and maybe spend an afternoon at that day spa I like so much. What do you think?
What do I think? You’re writing’s not bad, but it needs a little work….and I’m feeling like pizza tonight. Oh, the spa? I don’t know Readers…do you think my wife deserves to be pampered for a day? After writing my blog for three weeks in a row I think so!