Horizon Goodwill is pleased to announce our partnership with the Washington County (Maryland) Financial Literacy Collaborative!
In July 2017, Horizon Goodwill will begin offering Maryland Cash Campaign Financial Literacy courses to participants of our Get-Onboard! job readiness classes. The Financial Literacy classes are five (5) one (1) hour long courses aimed at helping job seekers learn financial education basics. The skills taught in the this course will add to the job readiness tool kit that Goodwill’s Get Onboard! program participants are building as they move from unemployment toward self sufficiency.
Defined as “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being”, financial literacy really refers to the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources. The Maryland CASH Campaign shares its curriculum and expertise to help Maryland residents obtain the credible, non-biased financial education needed to learn how to meet their financial goals.

Goodwill staff will work with 75 individuals, providing classes focused on:
Credit Reports and Credit Scores
Debt Management
Delinquencies, Creditors, or Collection Agencies
Problems due to loss of income
We are so pleased to be joining this exciting collaborative funded by United Way of Washington County and led by Reach of Washington County. For more information, email MissionDesk1@goodwill-hgi.org. As always, check us out on Facebook and Twitter.