At Horizon Goodwill Industries, we strive to make differences in our community’s lives! Click to learn more about our Employer of the Year and the progress we are making in communities!
At Horizon Goodwill Industries, we strive to make differences in our community’s lives! Click to learn more about our Employer of the Year and the progress we are making in communities!
Horizon Goodwill Industries is so lucky to have AMAZING partners that help us change lives! Click to hear more about our Business Partner of the Year and how we help each other achieve our goals!
Goodwill assists former inmates with minor blemishes on their records walk through the process of expungement. This process helps counteract recidivism. Read more here!
Goodwill just recently named our 2016 Business Partner of the Year! Head over to our Facebook page to learn more and watch our video!
We are excited to announce our newest Horizon Goodwill store will have it’s grand opening July 28th in Charles Town, WV. Check out some photos of our progress…
We are in need of a Custodial crew leader in our Hagerstown and Cumberland locations! You will need a valid driver’s license to join our custodial crew. You will also need to pass a background test and a drug test. It is a full-time job with the title of Custodian Crew Chief! Please call Matt for more information: 301-733-7330 ext 1713