Goodbye 2013, hello 2014! With each new year comes a new list of resolutions. With the hope and promise a fresh new year brings, now is the perfect time to get serious about finding a job and building a career you’ve always wanted. Consider applying these career resolutions in the upcoming year.
- Update your resume and cover letter, especially if you’ve been using the same one and haven’t seen any results. A second set of eyes can help you spot areas for improvement, so ask someone whose opinion you trust or visit your local Goodwill® Resource Center.
- Learn something new. Ditch the same ol’ routine and use your brain and skillset in new ways to help you think more innovatively on the job. This could include introducing a new hobby or training program you can showcase during job interviews.
- Network! Reach out to your contacts on LinkedIn or Facebook, and set up networking meetings or informational interviews with organizations you’re interested in. Consider joining a local, professional networking group to meet other professionals in your area.
- Stick to a schedule. If you’re trying to further your career or find a new job, dedicate a certain number of hours each day to attending networking meetings, attending training courses, or searching for new job leads.
- Practice makes perfect. Freshen up your interview skills by practicing with a friend or former colleague. Find a way to successfully sell yourself and your accomplishments and skills to employers, and gain confidence and get over discomfort doing so by practicing.
Here’s to a successful 2014 ahead. For more job training and education tips from Horizon Goodwill Industries, click here.