‘Twas the Holiday Season, my favorite time of year,
when caring and giving fills my heart with good cheer.
I consulted my list of family and friends,
Looking and thinking of present buying trends.
I wanted to give gifts original, unique.
Some lasting impressions the recipients would speak.
No shopping malls this year, retail’s such a bore!
I decided to visit the Horizon Goodwill Store.
Browsing the aisles, there’s so much to see!
And nice on the wallet, this place is the key!
A helpful employee greeted me with a smile.
We spoke for a minute, right there in the aisle.
“Is there anything special on the list in your hand?’
“Nothing specific”, I said, “just nothing that’s bland.
For friends and my family, I want just the right gift.
I chose to come here, the fabled store of the thrift!”
The worker, she laughed, “You’re in the right place!”
It was my turn to respond with a smile on my face.
“We have clothing and jewelry and books by the dozen!”
“Mystery novels sound nice, for Donna, my cousin…”
“We also sell housewares, electronics and toys.
On your holiday list are their little girls and little boys?”
“There certainly are! You have quite the selection!”
“We offer a lot for the public cross section!”
“Where do find these products?” I asked.
Everything was neat on the racks that we passed.
“All these items were donated, by people like you.
For example these pants, the owner outgrew!”
She leaned in closely, “Can I tell you some more?
You are helping so many when you walk through our door.”
I was a bit confused by what she did mention
But I have to admit, she certainly had my attention!
“From the products we sell, I mean every transaction
provides job training skills, and not just a fraction!
Nearly ninety-percent goes to training those yearning
To find gainful employment, improving their earning.
I felt so fulfilled, honored and smart
Knowing I was helping others truly touched my heart.
I was glad to discover my gifts had a reason
And special that made, this Holiday Season!
Happy Holidays From Horizon Goodwill!